
Alex box by Rankin

Whilst on the dazed and confused website i came across an article about the Alex box by Rankin exhibition launch. On Thursday Rankin hosted a launch party for Alex box in his new Annroy studio and gallery in London, Kentish town. If you want to see more photos and the video of the launch you can here.

"Box is a graduate of Chelsea college of art and has worked with designers such as Gareth Pugh and Karl lagerfeld. This is the first extensive collection and exhibition of her work, which employs various different mediums to merge fantasy, fashion, science and illustration. In this unique collaboration with Rankin she has created a powerful, visually stunning series of images that push the conventional boundaries of her discipline."

The book Alex box by Rankin is available at bookshops now! and the exhibition is at the annroy gallery now until November 23.